Berserk: The 5 Golden Age Scenes That Defined Guts & Griffith’s Relationship

The connection between Guts and Griffith is confounded, convincing, and fundamental to the story of Berserk. Here are their greatest advancements of all. The Berserk anime/manga series is generally prestigious for some reason. While the late Kentaro Miura realized how to draw invigorating and fierce activity scenes, the core of Berserk is the passionate and […]

Dragon Ball: 10 Biggest Mistakes Goku Ever Made (That We Can Learn From)

Goku’s excursion all through Dragon Ball stories has not been a simple one, and he has committed a lot of errors en route that we would all be able to gain from. Child Goku is the hero of the Dragonball adventure. On account of the prevalence of the establishment, Goku has arisen as the most […]

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