Hinata Shoyo is known to be the main character of the popular sports anime series Haikyuu. Through many manga volumes and 4 anime seasons, Hinata has become an indispensable core character of the series. He is also known to be one of Haikyuu’s best volleyball players. Let’s re-list the strengths and weaknesses of Hinata’s gameplay. […]
The Best Haikyuu Merch Store For Haikyuu Fans
Initially intended to be a one-shot Composed by Haruichi Furudate, Haikyu!! Began its serialization at February 2012 in Weekly Shonen Jump. It follows Shoyo Hinata who, because viewing the”Little Giant” on TV as a junior high school student, has desired to become the upcoming great volleyball player. Despite his short stature, his ability to jump […]
[Haikyuu] Top 10 Best Hoodies for Haikyuu Fans
Although it has ended, Haikyuu volleyball manga/anime still leaves fans in an irreplaceable position. In particular, with the explosion of the anime series, Haikyuu-inspired merchandise products have been released one after another and increasingly diversified. Haikyuu Store with many different anime product models always attracts the attention of Haikyuu fans. Among them, Haikyuu’s Hoodies are […]
[Haikyuu] Top 7 Best Moments In Haikyuu
Haikyuu is a volleyball manga/anime series that debuted in 2012. Over the years with various seasons, Haikyuu has captured the hearts of anime fans in general and the audience. fake love volleyball in particular. Although it ended, Haikyuu always left memorable moments in the audience’s hearts. Let Haikyuu Store review those most memorable moments. 7. […]
[Haikyuu] Top 10 Best Players in Haikyuu!!
Haikyuu – a sports anime about volleyball that attracts the audience. With a unique storyline and unique character building, Haikyuu almost becomes the best manga/anime series about volleyball. Under the presence of many different characters, Haikyuu almost gathered all kinds of players in volleyball. Let’s take a look at the top 10 Haikyuu best players […]
[Haikyuu] The Best Meaningful Messages Can Receive From Haikyuu
After finishing this journey, Haikyuu still leaves stories and meaningful messages in the readers’ hearts, going beyond badminton matches. If you don’t watch Haikyuu, it seems nothing special, as it is like many other sports shounen manga, about a group of teenagers pursuing dreams and passion, and with the main character surpassing over the impossible […]
Haikyuu Merch Store – The Best Store of Haikyuu
Hello everyone, who are visiting this store. Surely all of you here are asking yourself questions like: “What is Haikyuu?” “Is Haikyuu that good?” or “How does this store sell merchandise”, etc. And in today’s blog, let’s answer the questions with Haikyuu Merch Store. The way Haikyuu reaches the audience and the influence of this […]